Sunday, 7 July 2013

Date Night

Every once in a while, the Hubby and I get a chance to go out just as a couple. Yesterday was one of those times. As usual we decided to have a drink and go see a movie. The drink was apple cider and the movie was Man of Steel 3D. Nothing fancy, but I wanted to get dolled up nonetheless. It was a chance to wear my new sarong dress. I know, I know, I''m not supposed to buy new dresses, but a friend of mine is liquidating her entire collection of 50's dresses and I just had to, OK? This one is a repro she had made herself. I had drooled over this dress when she put a picture of it on Facebook after she had finished it. Luckily (or unluckily) we are the same size, although she is somewhat taller than me.

1950's 1940's rayon tropical red

Isn't the fabric to die for? It's rayon from the 50's or maybe even the 40's. It was sewn using a 1950's pattern my friend has modified. She has, for example, added the elasticated panels on the sides, taking inspiration from Alfred Shaheen dresses.

1950's rayon Alfred Shaheen tropical

The earrings are vintage, as is the yellow amber bracelet. The cardigan, red bracelet and shoes are modern.

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