Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Dungarees - Dungaree Dolls by Freddies of Pinewood
 Sweater - Zara
Shoes - Converse Allstars
Bag - vintage
Silk scarf - vintage

Freddies of Pinewood Dungaree Dolls vintage Converse
Last Saturday was open day at a nearby Arola farm and as Junior really loves animals, we naturally had to go. I wanted to wear something casual and farm-y, so out came my Dungaree Dolls.

We saw ponies, chickens, goats, cows, a humongous pig; you know the normal farm animals.

In addition, the farm also has some more unusual animals. 

An absolutely beautiful pair of white peafowl
Two black swans

The main attraction of the farm is a small herd of buffalo or bison. The newest addition to the herd had only been born the previous night.
The bull

By the way, the title of this post is actually a grammatically correct sentence. It uses the noun buffalo as in the animal, the city name Buffalo and the verb to buffalo (to bully). It means: The bison from Buffalo, who are bullied by other bison from Buffalo, bully bison from Buffalo. The Wikipedia article about this sentence can be found here.

Any linguistically inclined among you will be interested to know, that there is a similar play on word in Finnish. Piilevissä piilevissä piilevissä piilevissä piilevät piilevät piilevät. It uses the verb piillä (to be concealed), the noun piilevä (diatom) and the adjective piilevä (concealed, hidden). Roughly translated it means: The hidden diatoms are concealed in the diatoms concealed in the hidden diatoms. So now if you are ever invited to a dinner party with Fenno-Ugrian linguists, you can wow them with this.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Liebster Award

About a month ago Jenni of Rosie the Crafter nominated me for a Liebster Award! Thank you, I'm most honoured!

In order to accept I must 1) answer the 11 questions set to me by the blogger who nominated me
2) pick 11 bloggers I would like to nominate and 3) think of 11 questions for them to answer.

So here goes...

1. Describe yourself in five words.
Unh, I hate describing myself...determined, kind, odd, happy, sceptical

2. How old were you when you first realised you like vintage and old things? What triggered this interest?
When I was very young. I remember that I used to like to look at all the old dresses, lace collars, evening gloves and jewellery my mother had gotten from her mother. Knowing it was old and delicate gave it a special, magical aura that went beyond it just being pretty.

3. How far have you gone with vintage? Is it a trend or a lifestyle? 
It's definitely a lifestyle. Most of my wardrobe is vintage although I mix in modern bits for practical reasons. Our furniture is also a mix of vintage and modern, but the overall feel is vintage.

4. What is the best comment you have received about your style?
I have found that the best compliments come from older gentlemen. The nicest one so far was at the local supermarket checkout this May when an elderly man came up to me and wistfully said:"You don't see enough summer dresses these days. It's a shame. You look very beautiful."

5. What is your favourite outfit?
I must say that I don't really have one. I don't usually wear the same outfit two days in a row. I just can't, don't ask me why, it's been like that since I first started choosing my own clothes. The outfit I'm wearing that day is my favourite one - that day.

6. Your greatest vintage or antique bargain?
My greatest find were these three vintage dresses at a small flea market. The one with the pink buttons was only 2 euros because the seam at the waist had come undone for about 5 cm. The two brown ones were 3 euros a piece. The pink buttoned one is 50's, the cotton one in the middle is 60's and the rayon one on the top is early 50's. What made the bargain so great was that they're all my size!

vintage 50's 40's dresses cotton rayon brown

7. Your weirdest vintage or antique find?
Hmm, you do come across some weird stuff, but the weirdest thing I have actually bought is this. The tag said it was a flagpole tip. It's certainly the right shape. It's glass and not brass as they usually are. Did they make glass flagpole tips? I don't know. It's pretty, though.

8. What are your other interests besides vintage and such?
I read, a lot. All kinds of books; fact, fiction, old, new. All kinds of magazines. Anything on Wikipedia. I just read. And I'm a fast reader. In four languages. I also enjoy music, any kind, except for black metal and death metal. Never really liked those. Oh yes, and I watch a lot of movies.

9. Does someone else in your family or near relatives have an interest in vintage, antiques or history? 
Hubby loves vintage cars and knows a lot about them as well.

10. What is the skill you have learned to master and are the most proud of?
Sewing clothes. I'm still learning but being able to sew something that I can actually wear out in public is something I'm really proud of.

11. What makes you happy in your every day life?
My two little boys. Rediscovering the world with them, teaching them new things. But I also enjoy the little moments I have to myself when nobody needs me.


Now I had a bit of trouble with the next task. I regularly read a few blogs but all of them either have more than 200 followers or have just received a Liebster award. Hmmm, what to do, what to do? Then it hit me: one of the ideas behind the Liebster award is to discover new blogs.

So I have here a list of 11 blogs, which I have just discovered and would like to share with you. These blogs, to the best of my knowledge, have not recently recieved a Liebster award, have under 200 followers and are active, meaning they post fairly regularly and have posted in the past few months.

My nominees for the Liebster award are:

Anniina from Ce Petit Cœur
Maria from When life gives you lemons
Anne Kirstine Toft Jørgensen from Frøken Toft
Melody from A Vintage Ramble
Eva from Evas liv - med sömsmån
Camille from Livet i Rabarberland
Anna from Ljuva 50-tal
K. from Modet i svepningar
Sheri Bomb from Sheribomb
Elina from Hopeapeili
La Toya from Mid-century Pink

The rules of receiving Liebster award: 
- You must answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
- You yourself then pick 11 blogs who in turn have under 200 followers. You must then think of 11 questions for the blogs you have picked and also tell them.
- Finally link back to the blog that nominated you

My 11 questions for the lovely nominees:

1. What was the first vintage item you ever bought?
2. Where were you ten years ago today?
3. What are you currently reading?
4. If you were hosting a dinner party and could invite any four people, alive or dead, real or fictional, who would you invite?
5. Why do you write a blog?
6. Do you have a secret skill? (something you can do that only a few people know about)
7. What is on your (fantasy) Christmas wish list?
8. List three little things that make you happy.
9. Tea or coffee?
10. What place would you like to visit?
11. Is vintage/retro a lifestyle or a hobby for you?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Restauranta 2013

Today was the second day of the two-day event in Kangasala known as Restauranta or RR. It is what we call a "rompetori" or junk market. Junk markets started off as open-air buy/sell events for vintage car parts. The sellers also brought in other things they found lying around in their garage and slowly junk markets began selling everything from basic flea market stuff such as clothes, toys and housewares to old china, books and other collectibles. Oh yeah, and car parts.

Restauranta 2013 nisuvivu

Restauranta 2013

Many sellers still come to empty out their wardrobes and garages selling things for one or two euros. Then there are the "pros" who tour the country's junk markets the whole summer and their stuff isn't priced to sell, if you catch my drift. Restauranta is the oldest and biggest of all Finnish junk market events. There are hundreds of sellers and thousands of visitors.

Our vintage association, Fintage had a stand there now for the second time. We didn't sell that much, but it was good PR and all in all a fun experience (again).

Fintage Restauranta 2013

As you might have guessed, I made a few purchases.

Restauranta 2013

The big yellow thing in the middle is a Ufox 2S humidifier. This we actually really needed as one of the two humidifiers, we were using last winter, broke. The air gets terribly dry in the winter and this causes Hubby nose bleeds and everyone else to have stuffy noses. This is a vintage item as the Ufox 2S has now been replaced by the Ufox 3S. It's probably from the 70's or 80's. Ufox humidifiers have been available for over thirty years and were first only available in two colours; green and yellow. Over the years it has been made in various colours including yellow, dark green, red, grey and black. Now they are only available in white. The colours may have changed but the shape and basic design has stayed the same. No Finnish bedroom is complete without one...

Ufox 2 S keltainen yellow

I found a darling apron for only 50 cents. I really like the fabric. It has a stain near the pocket (coffee maybe) which I will try to remove, but hey, all this cuteness for just 50 cents!

1950's pink apron cotton novelty kitchen

I actually went back to get this tin. It was a bit more expensive than I would normally pay for a tin of any kind but I just had to have it. It's just so 50's with the plants and the teapots and, as I suspected, it looks very much at home in our kitchen.

1950's tea tin british mod century pink

I had spent a long time looking for the perfect coffee/tea pot and now I finally found it! It's old, it wasn't too expensive and it's just the right size. It's by Arabia and was made between 1917 and 1927. The fact that it has a chip on the rim makes me like it even more. No perfect china in my house!

Arabia U-leima 1917 19527  OL kannu kaadin tea coffee pot kukka siirtokuva

This basket caught my eye for some reason. It was cute and cheap so I bought it. The fabric pouch is probably rayon and maybe 40's or 50's. Love the fans!

basket 1940's 1950's rayon fan

1940's 1950's rayon fan

The pyjama is probably 70's judging by the stylized bird pattern; I don't really know. The fabric is lovely, it has a rayon-y feel, slubby and soft.

I wouldn't say I collect vintage magazines, but I do tend to pick them up from all over the place. This time I bought two womens magazines: Me Naiset from 1957 and Eeva from 1963. I don't normally buy magazines this recent but the couture feature was amazing! And the hair and makeup styles in the ads are unbelievable.

I also bought a men's magazine: Kalle from 1954. It has articles and pin-up style pictures with the occasional nipple. Kalle can still be bought at news stands today, although the contents is now hard-core. I mean, that's what I've heard. Not that I have ever looked. No, sir!

1950's pin up magazine men's porn

Then I also bought a full slip to add to my collection and a 60's suit. It's a light blue and I'm not sure it's my colour. Blues are a bit tricky on me, get the shade a bit wrong and I look like I have jaundice. Anyway I have to make some adjustments to the jacket as well. I know it's supposed to be boxy but I just can't do boxy. It makes me look matronly, portly even.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Date Night

Every once in a while, the Hubby and I get a chance to go out just as a couple. Yesterday was one of those times. As usual we decided to have a drink and go see a movie. The drink was apple cider and the movie was Man of Steel 3D. Nothing fancy, but I wanted to get dolled up nonetheless. It was a chance to wear my new sarong dress. I know, I know, I''m not supposed to buy new dresses, but a friend of mine is liquidating her entire collection of 50's dresses and I just had to, OK? This one is a repro she had made herself. I had drooled over this dress when she put a picture of it on Facebook after she had finished it. Luckily (or unluckily) we are the same size, although she is somewhat taller than me.

1950's 1940's rayon tropical red

Isn't the fabric to die for? It's rayon from the 50's or maybe even the 40's. It was sewn using a 1950's pattern my friend has modified. She has, for example, added the elasticated panels on the sides, taking inspiration from Alfred Shaheen dresses.

1950's rayon Alfred Shaheen tropical

The earrings are vintage, as is the yellow amber bracelet. The cardigan, red bracelet and shoes are modern.

By the way, I have added a Bloglovin widget, so you can easily follow me on Bloglovin as well!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Suvi-Vintage 2013

Suvi-Vintage 2013

As you may remember from my last post, last weekend was Suvi-Vintage, a two-day vintage fair extravaganza organized by Fintage and Tallipiha. I was there, decked out in my full vintage splendour selling vintage at the Fintage stand and generally spreading an air of vintage glamour wherever I went (la-di-da).

Saturday started off in chaos, as usual. I was running late and and all the hectic running around at home made me sweat and before I knew it, my hair, which was still wound up on hot sticks at this point, was wet. Argh! this meant trying to blow dry it dry before styling it. And have you ever tried putting make up on a sweaty face? Well, don't. Then I had to pack the car: two huge bags of vintage to sell, a bag of hangers, two clothes racks, one shoe rack, one suitcase (I was staying the night at a friends in Tampere) and two boxes of vintage stocking. Then I couldn't find my curling iron (to be used the following morning). Right, so off we went. And turned right back, because I had forgotten my hat, gloves and feather duster (more on that later). Still forgot my gloves. In the car I noticed my stocking had a huge run. Great. Got to Tampere and was promptly told off for arriving late. I helped set up the stand and had a rummage through the boxes of stocking and managed to find one seamed pair in the right size and colour, so crisis averted. Then I noticed I had lost one of the original fifties buttons on the front of my dress (the Hubby later found it in the car). Phew!

vintage stocking run

A few deep breaths and a chocolate doughnut later, I was feeling composed again and had a look around at the sellers and of course all the fantastic vintage outfits everyone was wearing.

50's dress fifties cotton dress hat Suvi-Vintage 2013
Vintage sandwich. Between two lovelies, Marianne and Leea.

50's fifties cotton dress hat pearls
Hat found at vintage fair in London, vintage 50's dress bought in Facebook group, modern jewellery. Pic by Taru.

I don't really need a new bag...Pic by Taru.

Even more temptations. Pic by Taru.

Suvi-Vintage 2013
Fintage stand

Two very stylish Swedes, Karin and Sandra.
Marianne with a very stylish gent.

In the evening it was time for burlesque at Teerenpeli in the form of Vintage Vixens organized by Olivia Rouge. A fantastic show. And I might have gotten a bit tipsy. After the club, we withdrew to the tasteful home of two of my dearest friends for chess, wine and intelligent conversations.

50's red cotton dress pearls shoes housewife Suvi-Vintage 2013
Vintage 50's dress bought on the day, vintage leather bag and shoes from Etsy.

Sunday started in the form of rehearsals for the Fintage fashion show. Fintage has organized a fashion show at all of its events and they have become very popular. This time yours truly was also modelling. I was showing the outfit of a 1950's housewife, complete with pink apron and feather duster. At the end of my bit, the presenter said that my outfit was completed with a tulle petticoat and seamed stockings. So I have the crowd a little peek.

50's housewife shirtwaist dress cotton turquoise pink apron duster Suvi-Vintage 2013
"The outfit is completed by a tulle petticoat and seamed stockings" Pic by Taru.

Suvi-Vintage Fintage fashion show 2013
Fintage fashion show. Pic by Taru

Because of the sunny weather, sunday was very busy and with the fashion show as well I forgot to take a photo of my outfit. This one was taken by a friend and I look like a complete berk.

Mmm, excellent....Hat bought on the day, dress from dress swap, bag Etsy. Pic by Taru.

My main mission for the weekend was to sell as much of my vintage cull as possible and not buy a huge amount. I'm rather proud of myself as I showed restraint and only bought the dress and a bag on day one and a hat and a pair of earrings on day two. I had a lovely time, had a chat and a giggle with old friends and made several new ones (and then chatted and giggled with them as well).

vintage 50's white hat red bag earrings
'Coz I need more bags, hats and earrings...