Saturday, 22 June 2013

Midsummer Milkmaid

Happy Midsummer! As the weather was glorious, the Hubby and I took Junior and Peanut to visit a nearby farm that has a cafe and petting zoo. My idea had originally been to dress up in a milkmaid-y outfit and maybe take some outfit pictures at the farm. But the farm does not allow you to post any pictures taken there on the Internet. Bummer. But hey, this way I got to pose in peace and test out my new camera remote!

The dress is actually from my grandmother who gave me a bunch of clothes when she moved to an assisted living building a couple of years ago. Many of her dresses are way too short for me as I'm about 30 cm taller than her but this one is perfect. It's home sewn, maybe by my grandmother, she can't remember. The sandals are currently my favourite footwear. I bought them ridiculously cheap from a Facebook buy and sell group. The cotton scarf is from my mother. The belt I've had for ages and the sunglasses are by Haga Eyewear. The finished look kind of has a 40's feel, I think.


  1. Oh how cute! Now all you need is a milk churn! :D

  2. Heips Anna!

    Päätin, että ansaitset Liebster awardin! Tästä osoitteesta löytyy säännöt ja mun kysymykset sulle:


  3. You look like a doll! This look actually reminds me of Dorthy from Oz! Blue gingham and red shoes, perfect. I'm just discovering your blog and loving it! I see that you sew...I'm currently giving away some retro fabric goodness on my blog if you are interested...

    1. Thank you, Cassie! Must have a look at your blog then!

  4. You look great, the dress is daring! How sweet that it was your grandmothers.

    1. Thank you! It is a wonder she kept it as she usually got rid of old clothes.
