Monday, 3 December 2012

Decking the Halls

It's that time of year again. Yes, it's time to begin preparations for Christmas at our house. All extra clutter gets put away and out come the Christmas decorations. Both boxes. And the Christmas curtains, the Christmas pillow cases, the Christmas rug and the Christmas stockings. This is just the stuff for pre-Christmas time. By the 23rd it's full-on Christmas time and out come the Christmas towels and Christmas bedding. And on the 24th it's time for the tree and all the decorations to go on it. On Christmas eve we watch two Christmas movies: Nightmare Before Christmas and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Can you tell that I like Christmas yet?

There are a lot of things I like about Christmas: the food, the presents, the general Christmas spirit and, of course, the decorations. Once a year I can fully indulge my kitschy side. Well, not fully; The Hubby said no to having glowing reindeer in our front yard, but I'm working on it. This year is going to be even kitschier than the ones before as we have now bought a fake tree. I was strongly opposed to buying one but The Hubby finally won me over by suggesting we buy a pink one. A pink Christmas tree! How awesome is that?! We however ended up buying a white one because the pink wasn't pink enough, more a mauve and just not right.

The tree is also a bit smaller than usually because we have to put it on a small table in order to keep it away from the chubby little fingers of "Peanut", 8 months, who is now crawling/rolling around the floor. He, and his older brother "Junior", aged 3, are the reason I won't be taking out my most precious glass ornaments this year either.

I dream of having a tree full of vintage decorations, preferably glass ones but plastic would do as well. Just ordered some plastic candy canes (real ones would just get eaten). I've had my eye on some vintage Jewelbrite baubles on Etsy and I simply must have a vintage plastic nativity scene from the 60s. I already ordered a plastic Santa's sleigh with reindeer. I've collected a bunch of gorgeous things on my favorites-list but just haven't gotten round to ordering them and now it might be too late to get them by Christmas. Might order them anyway though. There's always next year!